Say Goodbye Timeshare & Their Expenses
Stop Wasting Money on a
Timeshare Not Being Used
  • When you say Goodbye Timeshare that allows more money and options for your vacations.

  • Annual Fees and Extra Expenses Gone No more pre-paying for vacations that you may not even use

  • No Obligation Quotes and Expert Advice
    Access to timeshare buyers, sellers, renters, and Expert Timeshare Exit Professionals

  • Not Every Timeshare Owner has the same problem, every situation is different and our Timeshare Professionals will educate and assist you with any timeshare problem.

  • With Today New Consumer Protection Laws you are no longer stuck owning a Timeshare you no longer want.

Want to Get Rid of Your Timeshare Now?
See if You Qualify!
If it's not paid off, how much do you still owe?

Why You Should Consider Exiting Your Timeshare

Stop Paying Hidden Fees

Liability bills, also known as special assessment fees, can be sent out at the timeshare company’s discretion for any amount. For instance, if a natural disaster struck at a resort, you could be responsible for helping to cover the costs of repairs.

You will also be charged annual maintenance fees monthly or at the end of the year. These fees are on top of the monthly timeshare payments known as mortgages. If you purchased the timeshare with a loan, you might also have hefty interest fees. Leaving the timeshare provides a break from these financial drains.

Vacation on Your Terms

Many timeshare companies require owners to vacation during particular windows. Often, these limited options are less than ideal, such as during an off-season when local businesses are shuttered or when your kids can't be away from school.

In addition, management may not maintain their properties as well as they should, causing your vacation spot to become neglected over time.

Lastly, you might have explored the locale to your satisfaction after several years but feel compelled to return due to the money you are continuously pouring into the timeshare.

End Unnecessary Stress

At a certain point, it can start to feel as if a timeshare is owning you, not the other way around. Timeshare companies use aggressive tactics to persuade owners into upgrading their packages, which can become exhausting. If you default on the timeshare payments, you could face foreclosure. Having this risk hanging over you can cause mounting stress. Successfully pursuing timeshare cancellation can lift this weight.

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